I am an incessant e-mail checker (made only worse by my recent purchase of a Blackberry!), but more than that I’m an obsessive compulsive blog-stalker.  I primarily look at other photographers’ blogs but a few non-photography ones get thrown in the mix too.  This is one I discovered a couple of months ago and wanted to share: Sophie Blackall’s Missed Connections blog, where she creates quirky and whimsical illustrations from Craigslist’s Missed Connections postings!

Maybe it’s the romantic in me, or maybe it’s the fact that Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are two of my ALL TIME favorite movies and they revolve around this idea of connecting/reconnecting, but I love that there are real opportunities now for people to get back in touch with each other–and that this is inspiring creative work in artists!  I think I’m especially drawn to Sophie’s work as it’s similar to mine.  We see something unique, beautiful, and fascinating in these fleeting moments between people and aim to capture it in our own way. Definitely check out her work, if you haven’t already!


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