I can’t believe that it’s already October and that September flew by with absolutely no photo-filled blog posts!  I was on the vacation for the first half of the month, so there is that, but really I have no good excuse for these weeks of blog neglect.  So I apologize, blog readers, for the lack of posts.  However, we are definitely back to the regularly scheduled programming!

These last few weeks have been busy.  I’ve been recovering from jet lag (it was a much more difficult transition than I expected!), processing another wedding, catching up on e-mails, holding tons of client meetings, and writing up contracts.  All this on top of my regular, 9-5 job during the week.  So yes, busy!

Something absolutely unbelievable to me (really, I even surprised myself here) was that I booked five (!) weddings for 2010 in just the first TWO weeks of being back from vacation!  It’s crazy!  I only have a limited number of weekends open for weddings next year so, at this rate, the slots will fill fairly quickly.  To my 2010 couples: I am so, so honored and excited to work with you all!  I’m really looking forward to this upcoming year and to the many beautiful events I will get to witness.

And I just wanted to end with a photo.  This was taken early Saturday afternoon on my walk back home from helping to photograph the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund’s 2009 Boston Walk To Cure Diabetes, at the Hatch Shell along the Charles River.  The weather that morning was ridiculously wet, the type of weather that makes you not want to get out of bed early on a Saturday morning, and so I was really impressed and touched by the turnout.  Thanks to everyone who walked and who came out to support a cure!

I’m looking forward to sharing more images, including those from my travels, from a recent anniversary shoot, and from the wedding I will be second shooting this Sunday.  Stop back soon!


Jen, that’s HUGE! Congratulations on the bookings, I’ve been spreading your name when I can! :)

Look forward to seeing your new work!

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