Linda and Adam are musicians, and while there was some initial talk of incorporating instrumental props and Symphony Hall into their engagement shoot last month, they decided to forego any musical reference and do the shoot along the Esplanade. I have to say that while the instruments and the Symphony would have been a cool change from what I’m used to shooting, I absolutely loved that the simplicity of the river and docks made it so easy to focus on and capture Linda and Adam’s relationship in the images. I think you can tell from the photos that that their relationship is filled with a lot of laughter (and maybe a few Eskimo kisses ;).

I’ve been noticing that I mention the weather a lot when I write about my shoots, and it’s just because it really is such a huge factor in when we choose to do them. For Linda and Adam’s shoot we started at 6:30am to catch what is usually amazing light at that time and since the forecast for that morning promised only a small window of time with sun and no rain. Of course, the forecast was wrong and there was no sun (but also no rain, yay!) and only immediately after we were done for the morning and after I was already on the bus on my way home did the clouds part and the sun came pouring down.

Anyway, despite the lack of sun, I think I was able to get some great images of them along the Esplanade. Like I said, it really wasn’t hard, since Linda and Adam are so sweet together. I don’t know how I get so lucky with such beautiful couples! :)

After we spent maybe ten minutes taking the previous dock photos, we found this written on another section of the same dock, and Linda and Adam were good enough sports to get back down against the cold wood to get some shots with it:

Thanks again for a fun shoot, Linda and Adam!


I love all of the photos of them lying down- so cute! Also, I’m impressed that you were up for a 6:30 am shoot- that’s not easy!

Ooo i agree – i like the SMILE shot!!

So fun! Love the Smile! photos!

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