I seem to be at that point in life when friends and family members my age are starting to get engaged, get married, and even (gulp) HAVE KIDS!  Jen is one of these friends (minus the having kids part).  She got married last year, and while I’ve had several college friends get married before her, I remember the fact that she was my first friend from high school to tie the knot made her wedding a very different experience for me.  I cried along with Jen during her wedding ceremony–happy, nostalgic tears–and realized that our small group of high school friends was finally “growing up.”  Whatever that means, anyway. ;)

Recently, Jen had a medical school rotation site just outside of Boston and since she was in the area, she suggested a one year anniversary shoot for her and Yuan.  It was fun to see her again and to catch up.  It was also fitting because she and Yuan actually met in Boston years ago and had their first date right around where we were shooting!  We decided to wander the Boston Common and Public Gardens and ended in Beacon Hill as the sun was starting to go down.  Here are some of my favorites.

Aloha!  Ok, no, we weren’t in Hawaii in these next few shots, though it certainly does look tropical.  We were actually in the Public Gardens. :)

One last one on Beacon Hill steps.

Thanks so much for letting me document your anniversary, Jen and Yuan!  It was awesome to spend time with you both.

For fun, I thought I’d include a photo I took as a guest at their wedding last July.  They were playing a fun game, and I love that Jen looks so happy. :)


love the last shot on Beacon Hill step!

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