I know Christmas is over, but this is my favorite photo from that day, totally representative of what Christmas was and always should be.

(My older sister M with her ridiculously adorable baby)

Kind of unrelated, but a funny story: my sister was going through her old memory boxes over the holidays and found a card that my brother Bobby and I had given her for her birthday when we were kids.  Just a folded piece of red construction paper with a photo of us pasted on the front. I think I was 9 and he was 7.  It was a joint card, where inside we had each written a message to her, mine on top and his right below. I just about died laughing when she showed it to me:

Dear M, You are the best sister I have ever had.  Maybe it’s because you are the only sister I’ve ever had.  I love you! Love, Jenny.

Dear M, You are the best sister I have ever had.  I love you! Love, Bobby.

In my defense, I really think my brother was just copying whatever I had written above and omitting anything that wasn’t applicable to him. Regardless though, the combination of messages is pretty entertaining. :)


That is very advanced existential thinking for a 9 year old! :)

I love this new years resolution! The more and more pictures I see of yours the more excited I get for you to take them at our wedding!! Happy new year!

Awww, I LOVE this picture. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I remembered my sisters joint writing Christmas cards to me and after reading your post I realized that it was harder for my younger sister to top what the older one had written but without a proper example, how would my little sister know what to write besides I miss you and I love you? Sisters are awesome! Sweet story and thanks for sharing ~<3

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